Distinctive, functional, unexpected

Livia Lauber designs products, furniture and spaces that create familiar yet unconventional narratives. Her work is grounded in human interaction, challenging the way we see and engage with the world around us.

Having studied product and industrial design at ECAL in Lausanne, Livia founded Studio Livia Lauber in 2017 to explore everyday objects and progressive production techniques. She regularly collaborates with expert manufacturers to develop sustainable designs that are at once optimistic and meaningful.

Livia is also the founder of E N S E M B L E, a London-based design label that brings together experimental designers with skilled makers to create objects with unmistakable character.

Livia has worked with international designers such as Martino Gamper and Tom Dixon; was appointed Head of the Product and Development Team at Established & Sons; curated and designed exhibitions for the London Design Festival and ICFF New York; and led workshops with students from the Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and Geneva School of Art and Design (HEAD – Genève).


Acne Studios (SE), COVO (IT), E N S E M B L E (UK), Established&Sons (UK), HEAD - Geneva University of Art and Design (CH), Ishinomaki Laboratory (JP), London Design Festival (UK), OKRO Design Gallery (CH), Pro-Helvetia - The Swiss Arts Council (CH), Oyuna (UK), SCP (UK) Vaarnii (FI), WOGG (CH), ZHDK - Zurich University of the Arts (CH)


Studio Livia Lauber
Unit 13, 2nd Floor
18-24 Shacklewell Lane
London E8 2EZ
United Kingdom




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